Tuesday 28 May 2013

White Lies: Part 3

Hey guys, Here's part 3!

One morning, mum finally threatened to call the school. I convinced her not to call so I had more time to find it. When I came home from school that day, I looked at my dog Barney, who was lying on the floor. I noticed a little piece of blue paper sticking out of her mouth and I froze in my tracks. There was my dog, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, chewing on my report card!

Then, I remembered. I had hidden it in a downstairs closet on the shelf below the dog food. I thought that no one would find it there. Okay – no one with two legs, anyway! With perfect timing, my mum walked into the room, and asked the million dollar question,

“ What’s Max chewing on?”

Have you ever done something you're ashamed of? Or do you know anybody who has?Write a short paragraph about it. (50 words or more)

Tuesday 21 May 2013

White Lies: Part 2

Hey guys, Here's part 2!

The day our third semester report cards came out, my heart dropped into my stomach. My grade point average went from a 92 percent to a 79 percent. And... I had actually flunked English! How crazy was that?

I visualised what kind of horrible punishment my parents would have in store for me because of my bad grades. I figured I would lose my phone privileges or be grounded until the end of semester.

Before I went home that day, my new best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover party. Everyone who was anyone in the school was going to be there. I had no doubt that my parents wouldn't let me go once they had seen my report card. There was only one thing for me to do. I would hide my report card until after the party was over.

Weeks went by and my parents asked every day where my report card was. I kept telling them that I didn't have it yet. The party came and went and I decided to give them my report card. Only there was one problem... I couldn't remember where it was.

No activities this week!

Sunday 12 May 2013

'White Lies' Part 1

Hey guys, 
This bimester we're going to be looking at a few stories from 'Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul'. Here's the first part of the first story. There are four parts to each story.

As a preteen, I was hopelessly ordinary. When I had to go to different school where I didn’t know anyone, I decided I was going to make a lot of new friends quickly and be really popular. I decided the only way to become popular was to make myself interesting, intriguing...  So... I decided to tell fibs to get people to like me.

Most of the fibs I told were what my grandmother called ‘white lies’ which are lies that don’t hurt people. I made up crazy stories about my life and my family. I figured that since these lies didn’t hurt anybody, that made them only ‘white lies’.

My strategy began to work, and I suddenly became very popular. All my new friends thought I was cool. Of course, none of the stories I told them were true, and I soon began to feel guilty. My newfound popularity was also causing my grades to suffer because being social was more important.

Look up in the dictionary www.wordreference.com the meaning of these words:

white lie