Monday, 3 June 2013

White Lies: Part 4

Here's the final part of the story:

I felt terrible as my mum walked over and pulled the report card out of the dog’s mouth. Unfortunately for me, the paper apparently wasn’t all that tasty and she hadn’t eaten that much. All my poor grades were still visible, as was the date from four weeks ago.

Needless to say my parents were furious and they grounded me until the end of the year. They stopped allowing me to use the phone too, which meant that when my friends called they learned that my crazy stories weren’t true at all. That really screwed up my social life and my relationships with my friends.

It took a long time to regain my friends’ trust, even longer to get my parents’ trust back. But I learned the most valuable lesson in my life; ‘white lies’ don’t exist. Every lie, no matter how small it may seem, is still a lie. They always catch up with you.

Write a list of all the verbs in the past simple.

Find two adjectives in the text.

What do you think 'screwed up' means?

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