Monday 18 February 2013

Welcome to 7th Grade!

Hey guys!

Welcome back this year! As you will already know, I'll be your teacher again this year. I'm so excited and happy to teach you again. We will use this blog to read dictations and do some interesting activities connected to them. This bimester we are going to look at 'Mysteries of the Unexplained', and we are going to look specifically at 'Ancient Worlds'. On Mondays we will read the text and then on Thursdays we will do the dictation. On Mondays we will do the activities in class if we have time, and then you can do the activities at home. I will check that you have done the activities in the class on Thursday; sometimes you will win house points!

Well that's all from me, are you ready to start?

Your first job is to write a comment if you can......